Other Buttons

Launch Analysis Board

Launch analysis board using the current board position as the start position, and the following moves from the current position as the initial analysis move list. If you want all the board moves to be loaded into the analysis board then use the Jump to Start button before clicking the launch analysis board button. See the Analysis Board section of the manual for more details.

Copy FEN

The Copy FEN button allows you to view and copy the FEN description of the current position, which can then be pasted into other applications, or other parts of the Chess Tempo site that accept FEN strings as input. The dialog which shows the FEN, will also show a 'copy to comment' button, it is relevant to the context. The 'copy to comment' button allows you to create a static image of the current board position in a comment.


FEN strings are a format used in most chess software as a shortcut for describing a particular position in a game. It holds information on the piece configuration, move number, castling status, colour to move, and information required to process en-passant captures and adjudicate the 50 move rule. You don't need to understand the actual format to make use of the notation, as most chess software will have a way of accepting FEN strings as input, and producing them as output. A common use of FEN strings is to setup a position you have seen on Chess Tempo in your own chess engine, in order to do further analysis of the position on your own computer.