Feature Summary

Figurine Notation
By default, the PGN Viewer will show the pieces as graphical figures instead of piece letters.
Resizable board
The board can be resized by dragging on the resize handles to the right of the board.
Board Preferences
The Viewer has a settings button in the top left which allows board preferences to be set, these will be remembered in a browser cookie for when you next return to using the viewer.
Move entry
The viewer can be used to enter your own list of moves by moving the pieces, or to add or investigate side variations to an existing game.
View the game in the Chesstempo Opening Explorer
The PGN Viewer includes a button which loads the current game into the Chesstempo database page where you can explore the opening, or find other games which match positions in the current game.
Show/Download PGN
The Show PGN button allows you to see the source PGN of the game, and to download the PGN to your machine, this is especially useful if you have been annotating a game, and wish to save the results.
Arrows and Square highlighting
Using arrows or square colouring to highlight particular aspects of a game is supported with special PGN comments. These are covered in more detail below.
Mini-board comment Support
Move comments can include a '#' symbol which will embed a board showing the current state of the board into the move comment.
Variation folding
Variations can be hidden and expanded by the user, this often helps makes complicated games with lots of variations much more readable.
Annotation Window
The annotation window allows you to add or edit comments on the game you are viewing. It can also be used to add Annotation Symbols such as !, ? etc to moves or positions. The annotation window is also used to turn folding on and off, and to perform variation manipulations such as promoting or deleting variations.
Keyboard bindings
The viewer supports a large range of keyboard bindings, that allow for rapid annotation of games using only the keyboard, without the need for mouse interactions for most operations.