Online Playing Game Archive and Stats Page

Most of the places showing player names in the online play user interface can be clicked to show a menu of actions, one of which is to display the user's stats page. Clicking on the "Stats" option will open a new window with the players game archive and stats page. Users can access their own page by clicking on the "My Chess Games" option in the Chess Database menu. This page is where the player's previous games can be accessed, and stats related to each of the rating types is shown. Clicking on the details button for a rating type shows extra stats and a rating graph for that rating type. The game archive and opening explorer can be searched/filtered using most of the tools and options available in the main game database. This allows you to do things like examine your opening explorer stats against a particular player, or against players in a particular rating range, or look at your opening explorer stats for games played more than a year ago, and compare them to your most recent games. For more details on the generic database functionality please see the Chess Database chapter.

The opening explorer on the player game archive page has a Rating Type filter above it which allows you to filter games based on the rating type of the game. This selector also applies to any game archive searches, as well as the opening explorer stats, allowing you to see opening stats specific to each rating type.

The game archive page also has two "Games for position" tabs, one shows only games from the player's own archive (labelled as "Games for position: USERNAME"), and the other shows games from the main chesstempo database. By switching between both while traversing the moves of one of their own games, you can look at either your own previous games that followed the current line, or look for master level games that also followed your line, and these may provide hints on improvements that could be applied next time you play, or give you an idea on the kind of middle or endgames that arise from your openings when played by masters.