Basic Search

Basic search allows you to choose a rating range and rating type (Blitz/Standard for tactics and Theory/Practice for endgames). After clicking the 'Search' button, problems matching your chosen rating range in the chosen rating type will be returned in the problem list. By default the problem list returns all tactics problems, and any sorting is based on the blitz rating of the problems.

The problem search results includes the following columns:

Problem #

Each problem, has a unique number assigned to it, this makes it useful when communicating with others about the problem, for example when posting on the forum. The problem numbers are direct links to the problems. They can can be clicked on, or copy and pasted into the forum or emailed to allow others to go directly to the problem.


The Moves column shows the number of moves in a problem, these are full moves, rather than ply, so 2 moves means at least two moves from the side to play.


This is the current rating of the problem using the selected 'Rating Type', for example if you select 'Blitz' as the rating type then this will be the blitz rating of the problem.

Av Secs

Average number of seconds taken to solve the problem. Note this only includes successful attempts. The number of seconds is for the rating type selected.


The number of times the problem has been attempted. This is the number of times for the rating type selected, and does not include unrated attempts, or attempts in other rating modes.

% Correct

The percentage of people who solved the problem correctly. Again, this is for the rating type selected, and does not include unrated attempts, or attempts in other rating modes.

The search results can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers in the results table. The sort order can be reversed by clicking on the column heading a second time.