Review Mode

Review Mode allows you to look through the game, viewing the engine lines for your move, the master move and - where it differs from the master and played moves - the best engine move. As you move through the move list, you are also shown the scoring details for each move. Review mode is automatically entered after you reach the end of a game, or you can enter review mode by clicking 'replay' next to a previously played game, and choosing 'review' when asked to choose being replaying unrated, or reviewing the previous game.

In the review mode move list , a move you played is marked as "PLAYED", a move the master played is marked with "MASTER" and the best engine move is marked as "ENGINE". So for example a move that you played, that was also the master move AND the best engine move will be labeled "MASTER/PLAYED/ENGINE". For the moves that you played, they will also be coloured based on the score, good moves are green, bad moves red, and moves in between the two as khaki.