
This section holds options that do not fit into other areas.

Automatically Show Comment Boards

By default comment boards are displayed with the analysis moves and a Show Board button that can be used to show the board and play out the analysis moves. The main reason this is the default option is that slower browsers or machine can have performance problems on pages with lots of comment boards, if all the boards are displayed at once. If you are running the latest version of a modern browser and have a fast machine, this might not be a problem for you, and you may want to enable this option to avoid having to click Show board.

Display Show Solution Button

The "Show Solution" button option now allows you to avoid seeing the solution immediately after a problem is complete, allowing you to continue to search for the best move after failing a problem, and eventually clicking the "Show Solution" button in order to see to answer. This option is off by default.

Show Problem Start Dialog

The start problem dialog displays a dialog on problem solving pages that requires you to click start before commencing problem solving. This is to avoid a problem starting before you are ready, which can be important for timed solving modes like blitz tactics solving.


This setting also turns on functionality to check if all board piece images are loaded before the problem starts. If you click the start button before pieces are loaded, you will be asked to try again. Turning off this option, will also turn off the image checking.


Chess Tempo collects FIDE Id#'s for three reasons. The first is that it used to display title information next to usernames, and secondly, it is used to collect stats that allow the effectiveness of different training techniques to be made. The final reason is that it provides data used in creating the regression equation used to provide FIDE estimates. If you have a FIDE id, please enter it here, it is kept confidential , and FIDE ids entered are not visible to other users.

USCF id #

USCF Identification number, this is requested for similar reasons to the FIDE id.

ICC Username

ICC username, this is requested for similar reasons to the FIDE id.