Tactics Stats

This tab shows stats relevant to tactics problem performance. The following graphs and tables for each of the rating types:

Rating Graph

A graph of ratings across time. Like all the graphs on this page, more detail can be seen by zooming in a particular area by selecting the area with the mouse. You can see the date associate with any point in the graph by moving the mouse to that point, and the date and rating are shown in the top left of the graph.

Percentile Rank

A graph showing the percentile rank of the user.

Rating Fluctuations Graph

Candlestick graph showing daily rating fluctuations over the last month. Each vertical bar represents the rating range for the day. The solid rectangular part of the bar show the starting and ending range of the rating for the day. The narrow lines at the top and bottom of the bars show the full fluctuation range for the rating during that day. For example if the rating started at 2000, ended at 2020 but ranged as low as 1950 and as high as 2030 then there would be a solid rectangle from 2000 to 2020, and narrow vertical lines from 2000 to 1950 at the bottom of the rectangle, and a shorter one from 2020 to 2030. Days that had a total rating gain are marked green, days with a total rating loss are marked red.

Problem Rating Distribution

This graph shows the how the rating of the problems being attempted are distributed. The green bars, show the number of correct problems within that rating range, and the red bars show the number of incorrect problems within the rating range.

Tactical Motif Performance Table

This table shows the user's performance for each of the tactical motif tags. For each tag type, the average rating (blitz and standard), number correct/number done, accuracy and performance rating for blitz and standard attempts are shown. Performance for problems tagged with Custom Tags are also shown. This table can be used to identify relative tactical weaknesses, and you may want to consider using this data to concentrate on motifs you are performing poorly on, via custom problem sets specific to those motifs.

Unrated Problem Set Performance

This table shows the personal rating (current,minimum and maximum), average time, number correct, number done, and accuracy achieved for each of the unrated custom problem sets (or rather, non-officially rated, as these sets all have their own personal per user rating). Custom sets with rated attempts (any custom set with attempts made after November 29th 2010) can now have graphs shown for rating history, problem rating distribution, and daily rating fluctuations. You can access the graphs by clicking on the View button shown next to each relevant rows in the table.