Game Play Interface

Game Board
Game Board Settings
Game Clocks
Move List
Game Chat
Game Actions

The Chess Tempo online play interface is made up of the board and clocks, the move list, in game chat, and navigation and action buttons. The board, move list and chat window are all resizable by dragging the drag handles (only shown when mouse is over the area for the chat window). Resize settings are remembered via a browser cookie, so will be used when you next use the site from the same machine and web browser.

Game Board

Moves can be made on the game board by either dragging the pieces or clicking on the piece and then the target square. The board has two icons in the top and bottom left of the board, the top left icon is the settings icon, and brings up the board settings panel. The bottom left icon is the board flipping icon.

For those wanting to maximise board size within the browser window, it is recommended that you resize the board such that it uses the maximium vertical space, this may force the Users, Seeks, Games etc tabs to render beneath the board, but can still be accessed by scrolling your browser window down when required.

Game Board Settings

The board settings panel is launched by clicking on the settings icon in the top left of the board. The settings panel lets you choose a number of board options and all options are stored in a browser cookie, so they are remembered as long as you use the same browser, on the same machine. The available settings are:

Piece Type
Chooses the type of piece images used.
Board Style
Chooses the look of the board squares.
Move List Style
Indented and Two Column move list styles are provided.
Highlight move
Allows you to choose if the last played move should be highlighted, and the method of highlighting to use. You can choose no highlighting, square colour highlighting, or arrow highlighting (or both colours and arrows).


Arrow highlighting may not work in all browsers.
Board Sounds
Turns board sounds on or off.


Board sounds should work in the latest version of most browsers, but is likely not to work on some old browsers.
Confirm Moves
Turns move confirmation on or off.


The move confirmation option allow you to confirm each move before it is sent to the server.
Figurine Notation
Turns figurine notation on or off. When figurine notation is on, small piece images are used instead of the KQRBN piece letters in the move list.
Move List Font Size
Sets the font size used in the move list, dragging the resize handle to the right will increase the font-size.
Autoplay Speed
Sets the auto play speed, dragging the resize handle to the right will increase the time between moves (i.e. it will make the autoplay slower).


Pre-moves allows you to enter a move while it is your opponent's turn to play. The move will be automatically played after your opponent moves. Move legality is only checked after your opponent moves, and illegal moves are not-played. You can cancel your pre-move by clicking anywhere on the board. The pre-move will be highlighted either by outlining of the from and to squares, or an arrow, depending on the move highlighting option you have chosen.


Pre-moves are only remembered when the board is still open, so they can't be used to play moves in correspondence games after you've logged off or disconnected

Game Clocks

The game clocks and player names are shown either to the right of the board or above and below the board , depending on the preferences set. The currently ticking clock is shown in green (or red when time is running low), and the time control of the current game can be seen by hovering over the clock display with the mouse.

Move List

The move list displays all moves in the current game. You can move through the move list using the navigation buttons beneath the move list, by clicking a move in the list, or by using the arrow keys to move forwards and backwards in the move list.

Game Chat

The game chat window allows you to communicate with your opponent, other players viewing the game can also participate in the chat, however game particpants and non-playing kibitzers are not able to see each others chats made while the game is in progress. Special chat commands start with a '/' character, you can see a full list of chat commands by typing /help into the chat entry box.

Game chats persist across logouts, so when returning to the game you can still read all previous chats. This also applies to completed games, and chats can be reviewed at any time from the history tab or by launching games in your database archive in the playing interface using the 'view in playing' button.

The circular icon in the far right of the chat entry field shows if the chat is currently enabled or disabled. If the icon is a green tick then the chat is enabled, if it is a red cross then the chat is disabled. Click the icon to toggle between enabled/disabled. Note that when you disable chats, you will not be shown any incoming chats in all games, not just the current game. In other words the chat disable is a global setting that applies to all games. Note that chat messages sent by others will still be archived even when you have chat disabled. This means at a later point if you disable chat and view the game again the archived chats will all be loaded. Your opponent or other game visitors kibitzing on the game will be told when you disable or enable your chat status, and when you first connect to a game, your opponent will be told if your chat is currently disabled.

Game Actions

Several game actions are available in the game actions menu, actions available:

Claim Draw
This allows you to claim draws that require explicit claiming under FIDE rules, such as draws by repetition, and draws by the 50 move rule. Note that these types of draws will not be given unless you actually explicitly claim them. Depending on the situation, the claim draw dialog allows you to attempt to claim a draw immediately, or after your current move. If you choose the 'after current move' option, your draw claim will be sent to the server along with your next move.
Offer Draw
Offer a draw request to your opponent. You can only make draw offers when it is your turn.
Resign the current game.
Bring up the annotation window, which allows you to add comments and graphical annontations, and manipulate any side variations you have entered.
Show PGN
Shows the PGN of the current game, and allows you to download the PGN to your own computer.


Only available during the game for correspondence games. Available after the game for all game types.
Explore in DB
Go to the database page where you can view the current game, and use the opening explorer, and compare to other games played with similar lines. The chess database offers many options for examing your game in the context of other database games, and in controlling how the opening explorer works. Please see the Chess Database chapter for more details.


Only available during the game for correspondence games. Available after the game is over for all game types. When used during an in-progress correspondence game, engine access will be disabled.
Game Notes
Game notes allow you to write notes about the current game. This can be useful for correspondence games where you may need to keep track of plans across a large number of games. It can also provide a way of providing some post-game analysis thoughts. Notes are private by default, if you'd like to share your notes with others, chose the public option when creating the note. Notes can be deleted or edited after they have been created.

The game abort actions and 'After' game actions are available outside the game actions menu.

Game Abort Action

The game abort button allows you to abort games if your opponent has not responded within 60 seconds of the start of a game. So for example if you are black , and white has not moved after 60 seconds, an abort button will appear next to the game actions menu. Similarly, if you are white, and have made your move, but your opponent has not moved after 60 seconds, you will be provided with an abort button.

This method of handling aborts means users can't abort a game once it has started for reasons such as not liking the opening played, or not liking their opponent rating, or the colour of the pieces they have been given. If you want to control the rating of your opponents, then set a seek rating filter in the challenge dialog when creating your seeks. Users who regularly wait 60 seconds at the start of non-correspondence games, hoping their opponent will abort the game for them may lose access to the playing feature.

Next Game Button

The next game button jumps to the next available game where it is your move, and will choose the game with the least time left. Note that while there are still moves where it is your turn, the next game button will only cycle through moves where it is your turn, games where you have already made your move will be skipped over. Once all games have their moves are played , you can use the next game button to cycle through all your games. If you want to jump to a specific game where you have already moved, the My Games tab is the best place to do this.

'After' Game Action

The 'After' game action selector lets you choose what will happen after your current move on this game. By default you will stay on the current game, but you can choose to jump to the next game where it is your move, where it will jump to the game with the least time left. The after option and next game buttons are only shown if you currently have more than one game.

Full Screen Toggle

You can enter and leave full screen mode by using the full screen toggle button. Full screen mode allows you to use the entire screen size for the playing interface, and will attempt to maximise the board size for your current screen resolution.